Heather and I were in charge of the activities for June, and since there's a lot of camp stuff going on, we really only had last week to plan. Heather had planned a Bride's Night last year that never happened, and we thought the girls would have a great time with it. Thanks to graduation and it being the end of the school year, we only had 4 Beehives show up, but we still had a blast! Some of us leaders brought pictures, invitations, dresses, or whatever from our own weddings to show the girls, too. First, we had the girls write a "wishlist" of qualities they wanted in their husband, physical, spiritual, whatever they wanted.
Then we made bouquets out of tissue paper and pipe cleaners. Next Heather talked to them about temple dress standards, and how it would help them to live modest dressing standards now in preparation. She handed them each a paper doll and they got busy with fabric, ribbon, and other fun stuff. We didn't have everything in white, so we just pretend it is.
Finally, the girls each decorated their own wedding (cup)cake.
We had such a great time with your girls! Hope you did, too!
What a fun fun night!! Great job on those beautiful dresses and cupcakes!